Skor kalori akg
Skor kalori akg

skor kalori akg

statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) and a caloric counter was designed to find categories of nutritional status of rural women.


The data collected, were processed through a computer software i.e. They were interviewed through a reliable and validated interview schedule. Then 12 women from each village were selected at random.

skor kalori akg

(1987) table through simple random sampling technique. Then five villages from each UC were randomly selected and a sampling frame was constructed by enlisting the names of females. Two Union Councils (UCs) out of fourteen UCs of tehsil Fateh Jung were randomly selected. The aim of present study was to determine the role of rural women in livestock sector and their demographic status along with diet consumption trend. Keywords: family’s economic level, food intake, mild psychomotor development, nutritional status, toddlers. The conclusion, there is a significant relation between the level of economic, food intake and nutritional status of toddlers toward their mild psychomotor development. In addition, food intake (p = 0.000) results in r = 612 so that the intake of food has a strong relation and is also correlated. The nutritional status (p = 0.032) is r = 0.283 so that the nutritional status also has a strong relation and is correlated. The result of correlation analysis is r = 2.64 so that the economic level has strong relation and is correlated. The result of correlation analysis by using Pearson test gained significant relationship between the level of the economy with the mild psychomotor (p = 0.045). Pearson’s statistical test was conducted in Bulu Village, Sukoharjo. The development of mild psychomotor is measured with KPSP. The economic level of family is measured with the standard of City’s Minimum Wage (UMK). The nutritional status is obtained by measuring the height / weight with Z-Score table. The data collection method uses the number of calories in the form of AKG, recall 2x24 hours. The type of this research is observational analytic study with cross sectional by using proportional random sampling with 58 respondents.

skor kalori akg

The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between family economic level, food intake and nutritional status toward the mild psychomotoric development of the toddlers in Bulu Village, Sukoharjo District. The impact of malnutrition is the disruption of toddlers’ growth and development.

skor kalori akg

Kesimpulan terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara tingkat ekonomi, asupan makanan, dan status gizi dengan perkembangan motorik halus balita Kata kunci: beban kerja, konflik, perawatan pasien, pengembangan karir, stres kerjaABSTRACT Malnutrition in toddlers is still a big problem in Indonesia. Begitu juga dengan asupan makanan (p=0,000) dengan hasil r=612 maka asupan makanan mempunyai hubungan cukup kuat dan berkorelasi. Status gizi (p=0,032) dengan hasil r= 0,283 maka status gizi mempunyai kekuatan hubungan cukup kuat dan berkorelasi. Hasil analisis korelasi diperoleh nilai r= 2,64 maka tingkat ekonomi mempunyai kekuatan hubungan cukup kuat dan berkorelasi. Hasil analisis korelasi menggunakan uji pearson diperoleh hubungan yang signifikan antara tingkat ekonomi, dengan motorik halus (p=0,045). Uji statistik menggunakan Pearson yang dilakukan di Desa Bulu Sukoharjo. Perkembangan motorik halus menggunakan KPSP. Tingkat ekonomi keluarga dengan standar UMK. Status gizi dengan mengukur tinggi badan / berat badan berdasarkan tabel Z-Score. Pengumpulan data menggunakan jumlah kalori dalam bentuk AKG, recall 2x24 jam. Jenis penelitian observasional analitik cross sectional menggunakan proportional random sampling dengan jumlah 58 responden. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat ekonomi keluarga, asupan makanan, dan status gizi dengan perkembangan motorik halus di Desa Bulu Kabupaten Sukoharjo. Dampak dari kekurangan gizi adalah terganggunya pertumbuhan dan perkembangan balita. ABSTRAK Kekurangan gizi pada balita masih menjadi masalah di Indonesia.

Skor kalori akg